Sunday, January 31, 2010

Midway through the 30 day Cleanse

Hello Cleansers,

I have to tell you something exciting. I already touched on it briefly in the last blog but it's a big enough deal to make a big deal about. I have had chronic right shoulder pain, neck pain, and right hip pain for several years. Yes, I get adjusted regularly and that keeps me functional, but not always comfortable. It's due to old injuries, car accidents, wrestling, and lots of physical labor when I was a boy a long,long time ago! Point being, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being unbearable, my pain would usually get up to a 6 once or twice a week. If I did anything shot up to 8 or 9. It was a burning, hot, nervy type pain. For the last week (I've been on the cleanse for almost 2 weeks) my pain level in these areas has been between 0 and 2. This is nothing short of amazing! So...the cleanse is an anti-inflammatory type diet too. AND...toxins will settle in joints (the body in its wisdom knows that's preferable to settling in an organ) so the joint becomes inflamed and therefore painful. A detox and anti-inflammatory diet is KEY to lowering pain and inflammation.

Another remarkable result: I injured my right foot seriously in a car accident about 8 years ago. It resulted in my foot becoming dry and cracked...totally unlike my left foot. My wife and I jokingly call it my 'old man's foot.' For about a week, it also has majorly improved and the skin is almost indistinguishable in appearance from my left.

So....take note of chronic, grumpy old acquaintances in the form of aches, pains, aging skin etc. See if you can't tell a difference! These acquaintances might be looking to find some real estate elsewhere...specifically with somebody who isn't paying attention to the amount of sugar, saturated fat, and refined grains they're consuming.

All for now blog followers....happy cleansing

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