Sunday, January 31, 2010

Midway through the 30 day Cleanse

Hello Cleansers,

I have to tell you something exciting. I already touched on it briefly in the last blog but it's a big enough deal to make a big deal about. I have had chronic right shoulder pain, neck pain, and right hip pain for several years. Yes, I get adjusted regularly and that keeps me functional, but not always comfortable. It's due to old injuries, car accidents, wrestling, and lots of physical labor when I was a boy a long,long time ago! Point being, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being unbearable, my pain would usually get up to a 6 once or twice a week. If I did anything shot up to 8 or 9. It was a burning, hot, nervy type pain. For the last week (I've been on the cleanse for almost 2 weeks) my pain level in these areas has been between 0 and 2. This is nothing short of amazing! So...the cleanse is an anti-inflammatory type diet too. AND...toxins will settle in joints (the body in its wisdom knows that's preferable to settling in an organ) so the joint becomes inflamed and therefore painful. A detox and anti-inflammatory diet is KEY to lowering pain and inflammation.

Another remarkable result: I injured my right foot seriously in a car accident about 8 years ago. It resulted in my foot becoming dry and cracked...totally unlike my left foot. My wife and I jokingly call it my 'old man's foot.' For about a week, it also has majorly improved and the skin is almost indistinguishable in appearance from my left.

So....take note of chronic, grumpy old acquaintances in the form of aches, pains, aging skin etc. See if you can't tell a difference! These acquaintances might be looking to find some real estate elsewhere...specifically with somebody who isn't paying attention to the amount of sugar, saturated fat, and refined grains they're consuming.

All for now blog followers....happy cleansing

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sleeping Good and Pain-Free!!

As you know, I have been cleansing for about 10 days. It was my goal to sleep better and to eliminate some chronic joint pain in my hip. I am more than pleased to say that I have already seen a HUGE improvement in both of these areas. I am sorry to say, though, that I have lost some weight that I didn't need to lose. BUT, this is good news for those that are doing this to lose weight. It really works...

Monday, January 25, 2010

What's for supper...

....baked tilapia with pineapple salsa ( and a big, fat green salad.

The tilapia is brushed with olive oil and the juice of one orange mixed together, with garlic powder and sea salt sprinkled on top with a little dusting of chili powder. Bake the fish for about 15-20 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

Our salad consisted of lettuce, mixed with some of a herb spring mix, alfalfa sprouts, raw zucchini, green onion and some carrot curls. The dressing is our all-time favorite from our Italy days...a little bit of olive oil, white wine vinegar and sea salt mixed right in the salad bowl. Buon appetito.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Friday and the cleanse is on....

Hey losers! (I just love saying that)
How's it going? Week 1 of the cleanse. Most of you are started by now. It's day 4 for me. I have to say how amazed I am at my energy level. I'm hesitant to admit it but I almost think I am staying more balanced with the shake for breakfast than when I have green eggs and ham. That's not a typo, it's standard fare when you have with a 20 month old in the house.

More tips for being a good loser:
An often overlooked key to keeping the toxins moving out of your system is...H2O, H2O, H2O! (See my first blog article for more details). All of you should be drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 200 lbs., then drink 100 oz. Yes, this is a lot of water, but it will help keep your energy level up, make you feel full, and flush the toxins that are clinging to your fat cells.

Salads come in many forms with many flavors: pears and apples add a great crunch factor. Whatever your dish try seasoning without salt and pepper. Instead use ginger, garlic, cilantro. Not only do they add zing, they also have great anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some confessions...I've had a few 'dtox headaches.' This is a common side effect of cleansing. It's just part of the ball game. Oh...and I've had a few more trips to the bathroom than normal, but that's all good. As one herbalist so aptly put it, 'Get the junk out of your trunk.' :)

Cravings...really not bad so far. It helps not to have double stuffed oreos in the cupboard. The barbeque man was selling his pork sandwiches at Country Mart today. They smelled soooo good. But...then I remembered how I felt the last time I downed one and it wasn't hard to say 'no' to a tastebud sensation and 'yes' to an unbloated stomach, a clear head, and joints that don't ache!

What is your 'yes'?

Have a great weekend...Dr. Wayne

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Detox your heart out! Week 1, Day 2

Hello cleansers, detoxers and big losers!
It's day 2 of the cleanse for me and all of you are either about to get started or in the beginning stages. Here are a couple tips for you all:

1) Keep the big picture in mind:
The ultimate goal isn't to get to the end of the next 30's to establish a different lifestyle, feel better, have more energy and...fill in the blank. With this mindset, you'll have more leverage on yourself, and an ability to think past the 90 days to changes you want to keep and maintain.

2) If you need some extra fuel for physical work, go ahead, but be smart about it:

An extra handful of almonds or 4 oz. of chicken breast won't sabotage your efforts, just don't go for the greasy burger. A boiled egg is a great snack loaded with protein and energy sustaining power.

3) Choose your cleansing days with care!

The one day a week that you're cleansing (not having the shakes or a meal) should be the time when you're least likely to be tempted by food (maybe you're not at home, or around the refrigerator, or busy enough to keep your mind off of it). Also, it should be a day that doesn't require heavy physical activity or labor.

Happy detoxing!.....Dr. Wayne

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stimulate Your Health with our 50% off New Patient Exam

In response to the strains on peoples budgets, Tompkins Wellness Center is choosing to embrace the economy and is reducing it's new patient exam from $90 to $45 through the month of January. There is no better time than the New Year to ACT on the resolutions and purposes that have been stuck under the cobwebs of the far corners of your heart and mind. If you or someone you know is frustrated because there is something about their health or their bodies they would like to change or improve (i.e. sleep better, lose weight, eliminate pain, regulate blood sugar, eliminate headaches etc.)then please take advantage of this opportunity to feel better or help your friends feel better. And remember...for every new patient you refer (or if you came in yourself), you will get a free 1/2 hour massage with our stellar massage therapist, Elaine

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dr. Tompkins vows to complete the 30 day cleanse alongside his patients!

In an unprecedented announcement, aides to Dr. Tompkins stated today that he has openly discussed and committed to completing a 30 day cleanse right alongside his patients. His daily sweet, chocolate and carb cravings will be posted right here on his blog along with daily tips on how to successfully complete the cleanse and get the most benefit out of the experience. Of course, Dr. Tompkins' goal isn't weight loss, but rather a more vibrant, energetic, and clear thinking mind, and a body that functions at its maxiumum potential! While Dr. Tompkins generally experiences good health, he looks forward to reduced joint pain, greater energy levels, and more normal sleep patterns.

If you're thinking about doing the cleanse, you might want to qualify for some life or health insurance after the fact. Cholesterol, blood pressure, (and of course your weight) are all moderated by the weight loss, cleanse. So...get excited and join me starting Monday, January 18. LET'S GET HEALTHY TOGETHER!