Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Friday and the cleanse is on....

Hey losers! (I just love saying that)
How's it going? Week 1 of the cleanse. Most of you are started by now. It's day 4 for me. I have to say how amazed I am at my energy level. I'm hesitant to admit it but I almost think I am staying more balanced with the shake for breakfast than when I have green eggs and ham. That's not a typo, it's standard fare when you have with a 20 month old in the house.

More tips for being a good loser:
An often overlooked key to keeping the toxins moving out of your system is...H2O, H2O, H2O! (See my first blog article for more details). All of you should be drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 200 lbs., then drink 100 oz. Yes, this is a lot of water, but it will help keep your energy level up, make you feel full, and flush the toxins that are clinging to your fat cells.

Salads come in many forms with many flavors: pears and apples add a great crunch factor. Whatever your dish try seasoning without salt and pepper. Instead use ginger, garlic, cilantro. Not only do they add zing, they also have great anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some confessions...I've had a few 'dtox headaches.' This is a common side effect of cleansing. It's just part of the ball game. Oh...and I've had a few more trips to the bathroom than normal, but that's all good. As one herbalist so aptly put it, 'Get the junk out of your trunk.' :)

Cravings...really not bad so far. It helps not to have double stuffed oreos in the cupboard. The barbeque man was selling his pork sandwiches at Country Mart today. They smelled soooo good. But...then I remembered how I felt the last time I downed one and it wasn't hard to say 'no' to a tastebud sensation and 'yes' to an unbloated stomach, a clear head, and joints that don't ache!

What is your 'yes'?

Have a great weekend...Dr. Wayne

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Dr. Wayne! Hope all goes well with the cleanse! Stan from Maine
