Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Note from the Life Coach

Some have heard us say that we see people in 4D.  That means we treat the structural, chemical, electrical AND emotional aspects of your health.  Dr. Wayne firmly believes that the emotional aspect of your being can affect every other dimension.  If you are stressed, it can pull your spine out of alignment.  If you have emotional pain  that has not been dealt with healthily it can block your meridians.  On the other hand, if you have a positive outlook and choose to be well, you will have more energy...and the scenarios continue.

So on that note, let us introduce how a life coach can help you with your overall health picture.  A life coach is like an advocate for your goals.  He/She holds you accountable, maps out a plan, helps you bust through barriers that are keeping you. from success, and can refocus you when you lose your way .  Tompkins Wellness Center has its very own Life Coach - Angela Tompkins was trained at the Coaches Training Institute and had her own coaching practice in Texas.

For old times' sake, we will post one of Angela's articles that was printed in a Dallas-area regional magazine a few years back.  This might be a good read for you around the busy holiday season:

An Unplanned Day

Baseball games, dance lessons, a 50-hour work week, PTA meetings, night classes and helping your daughter sell her girl scout cookies…Does this sound like you?  Are you a victim of SCD (schedule complexity disorder)?  I can help.  Read on…

First of all, SSTTOOOPPPPPP!  Breathe a few deep breaths and take a good look at your life…maybe it is captured on a calendar.  What things on your schedule are absolutely necessary?  Which are extra-curricular?  Who or what is controlling your precious time?  Are they worth it?  Will these consuming activities give you the nuggets of fulfillment and satisfaction that money can’t buy? 

Next, think about the last time you and your loved ones sat around and did absolutely nothing.  How long has it been that you went outside at night and stood in awe of the stars?  When did you sit around and enjoy a home-cooked meal where you actually looked at each other instead of the TV?  (Oh and holiday feasts don’t count!)  What was the last day that your calendar was blank and you did not plan a single thing for that day?  Been awhile?  It’s about time…

Now, it’s time to pick up your planner, your calendar, what have you, and plan an unplanned day.  That’s right…wipe one day out of the month absolutely clean.  Highlight the box that surrounds that day on your monthly calendar as if you’re guarding it with your life…because you are!

Finally, it’s time to beef up your defenses so that that precious day that you’ve reserved stays blank.  Anticipate what forces could threaten the simplicity of an unplanned day?  What is the plan of action if the enemy – duty or responsibility – attacks during a weak moment?  How are you going to keep that day open for the spontaneous possibilities that only an unplanned day can hold? 

I beg you, don’t fall into the planning trap and pollute that day with pre-conceived activities.  The rule is this…on that day, you must only do what you want to do at that moment.  No obligations allowed.  Those can wait until another day…

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Flu Shot: Do Your Research...Please

They are everywhere…at your local grocery store, airport, Wal-mart. We urge you to please STOP, THINK and RESEARCH before you get one just because a) it’s readily available, b) it’s relatively inexpensive, c) Medicare pays for it, so “why not?” All you have to do is type in to Google “Flu Shot” and “Effectiveness” and/or “Side Effects” to start learning for yourself how much this ‘preventive’ measure is really just a shot in the dark.

According to the Center for Disease Control, vaccines only work if it’s a perfect match between the flu strains being passed around in your local area. BUT, vaccines are made for the masses to cover the map and are not customized by locality.

Another prerequisite for flu shot effectiveness is that you must be a healthy individual. Hmmm. How is that defined exactly?


There is a very well-versed researcher named Mary Tocco with 30 years of vaccine research under her belt who reveals the other side of the story. Meet Mary at (http://newswithviews.com/Tocco/). She breaks down what actually goes into the vaccine that is commonly labeled “safe” even for pregnant women and babies 6 months of age or more. Sigh.

 Flu Mist:
The nasal vaccine has never been studied to see if the viruses can penetrate the membrane between the sinus and the brain (barrier). When the CDC was asked if this had been studied by Dr. Mark Geier, their response was “NO.” Common Flu Vaccine Ingredients include:
• Egg protein – causes egg allergies
• Formaldehyde- Formalyn (formalin) is a 37 percent solution of gaseous formaldehyde which includes methanol. Known toxin used in embalming
• Polysorbate 80 shown to cause infertility in mice • Sodium Chloride and Calcium Chloride
• Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):C5H8NNaO4, a Stabilizer MSG – man made exciito-toxin
• Potassium phosphate- a soluble salt which is used as a fertilizer, a food additive and a fungicide.
• Thimerosal a form of mercury still found in some multi-vile vaccines.
• Polyoxidonium- Synthetic polymers and nanomaterials display selective phenotypic effects in cells and in the body that affect signal transduction mechanisms involved in inflammation, differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis.
 • Squalene- An oil based adjuvant that has never been approved in the US as safe, can cause blindness, autoimmune dysfunction and can inhibit sperm production. More than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers from ten different laboratories throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia have been published documenting the development of autoimmune disease in animals subjected to squalene-based adjuvants. Novartis will make a flu vaccine using MF59 consisting of squalene.
• Tween 80 - A recent study (December 2005) discovered that Tween80 can cause anaphylaxis, a sometimes fatal reaction characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure, hives, and breathing difficulties. • Human Diploid Tissue- organ and tissue from aborted baby tissue is now used in manufacturing many vaccines.

Did you know there is a fee built into every vaccine administered to cover damages for all those who have been injured by getting the vaccine? The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund provides funding for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate vaccine-related injury or death claims for covered vaccines administered on or after October 1, 1988.

Funded by a $0.75 excise tax on vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for routine administration to children. The excise tax is imposed on each dose (disease that is prevented) of a vaccine. Trivalent influenza vaccine for example, is taxed $0.75 because it prevents one disease; measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, which prevents three diseases, is taxed $2.25. Since the first Vaccine Injury Compensation claims were made in 1989, 2,569 compensation payments have been made, $2,009,309,528.93 disbursed to petitioners and $65,648,518.12 paid to cover attorney’s fees and other legal costs. To date, 5,263 claims have been dismissed. Of those, 2,330 claimants were paid $48,774,854.18 to cover attorney’s fees and other legal costs. (ww.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html)

No we can’t live in a bubble, but we can build up a wall of resistance to threatening bugs coming at us from other homo sapiens:

Acupuncture – the Chinese medical model advises a balancing acupuncture session at least once/season. This builds your body’s immunity to the changes in your external environment.

Supplementation – Stock up on Echinacea, Vitamin-C, Vitamin D, Probiotics, etc.

Sleep – Too easy, right? It helps. Try going to be an hour earlier and see how you feel! 

TWC OFFER: 20% off immunity boosters: Standard Process Echinacea-C, Ortho Molecular Probiotics and Vitamin D until 11/30/11.  Opt into our text club and save $10 off acupuncture by texting "twc" to "90210".

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Mind Matters

“It’s all in your head!” If anything were to put a patient on the defensive…it would be this statement! The truth of the matter is that nearly every health problem has an emotional component to it. Have you ever had some low level back pain and then get a stressful phone call, and realize your pain is a lot more intense at the end of the call than the beginning? Or have you noticed what happens to blood pressure when you are under more stress? Let’s face it: emotions play a major role in our health. In our office we really look at four dimensions of health; structural, chemical (nutritional), electrical (acupuncture) and emotional. Sometimes in talking with a patient, I even tack “emotional” on to the end as though it’s an afterthought. In many cases though, it’s the biggest contributor of all of these. So how do we help this? First let me say that we still need to take care of the other components, but if we neglect this one…our results will be mediocre. Emotional release technique, life coaching, and visualization are just a few of the tools available to our patients when this is a significant contributor. To give you an example, the Institute of HeartMath in Colorado uses specific heart-focused techniques involving guided visualizations to help people lower blood pressure. A pre and post check nearly always shows a 10-20 point drop in blood pressure. I have seen this first hand with my own patients. A core treatment is then to have the patient go through a daily exercise regimen of visualization/meditation and/ or journaling…to bring about that remarkable change. Of course after you learn it and are able to do it yourself, it has to be a daily exercise, just like taking a medication is a daily thing. Eventually the way you think will be impacted so much that you will feel remarkably better. If this is of interest to you…give us a call at 417-336-2620. Even if you live a distance away…some of these techniques can be done verbally over the phone.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dr. Wayne is the Lab Rat: A Personal, non-Prescription Protocol for Seasonal Allergies

Achoo!! Ahhh…it’s that time of year again. Ragweed and other pollens are in full bloom and filling the air with their miniscule bothersome tendrils…making a lot of us sneeze. As a seasonal allergy sufferer…I want to share the successes I’ve found in making life more manageable during this season. Traditional medicine treats allergies by prescribing Allegra, Clariton, Zyrtec or some other drug to stifle your symptoms. These all have some antihistamine quality and usually some form of decongestant. The problem is that they all have side effects which; lets face it…are ‘so last year!’ How about some things that have worked equally as well in the symptom suppression department without causing a major case of the grouchies and/or the drowsies?! Albizia Complex from Mediherb is a powerful antihistamine. (By the way…histamines are what fill up your sinuses, make you sneeze, make your eyes itch etc.) Additionally some Echinicea Premium, also from Mediherb works towards the same end. The last supplement I add to my arsenal is Allerplex from Standard Process. These are top of the line products designed to keep your airways and breathing clear as well as strengthen the systems responsible to help us fight allergies. Yes…we have to let go of the convenience and cost factor that medicines have, with one pill giving 24 hours of relief…but the benefits far outweigh the costs. By benefits, we mean no side effects and no unnatural product your liver has to figure out, break down, and detoxify. This gives your immune system a major advantage. Along with these products I like to use Xlclear’s saline nasal spray with xylitol to wash the nasal passages. This should be used after coming in from the outdoors so it can remove the pollens still lodged in these passages that are just waiting to make us sneeze. This product is great for kids and they like it because it has a natural sweetener called xylitol if they happen to swallow a drop or two. It is administered with a pump to push it up into the nose. A less costly alternative for teens or adults is a nettie pot usually available at your local pharmacy. It typically comes with salt packets that allow the consumer to mix their own saline and ‘pour it’ into their nostrils and flush out the pollens this way. Both techniques leave the sinus passages feeling soothed and relieved. One last product to use which I have found some nice benefits from this year is Lavender Essential Oil from Young Living. Placing 8 – 10 drops in a veggie capsule (usually available at your local health food store) and then swallowing a capsule 3 times daily has proven effective as an antihistamine. If your symptoms aren’t severe…you don’t need to do ALL of these. If they are, you may. I’m having my best year yet and I credit it to faithfully following the above protocol The Xlear saline nasal spray, Albizia Complex, Allerplex, and Echinacea Premium are all available through October 1st at 15% off the retail price if you mention this blog. (Cannot be combined with other discounts or offers)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Blood Sugar

We've all heard in recent years that Type 2 diabetes is a modern epidemic. It used to be called “adult onset diabetes,” but this is no longer the case since children are being diagnosed with it. Why?

Let’s dumb down some human physiology for a moment and look at what happens. The pancreas produces insulin and kicks it out into the bloodstream. Insulin is the key that unlocks the door of each cell to let blood sugar in. So, under normal circumstances, you eat an apple which gets broken down into carbohydrate and smaller molecules of fructose. This gets converted to glucose and gets sent out into the bloodstream along with insulin from the pancreas. Insulin unlocks the cell door, glucose rushes in, the cell churns through its functions keeping your body alive at a certain rate (your basal metabolic rate or BMR). In this situation, all is well and good. However; when the body is bombarded with refined carbs and sugars found in soft drinks candy bars, boxed cereals, pastries, breads, and pastas, the blood sugar spikes and insulin gets kicked out of the pancreas. The cells are overloaded with sugar so they change the locks on their doors leaving us with a condition knows as insulin resistance. Basically the cells are saying, “Talk to the hand…” This causes blood sugar to spike higher and higher leading to a condition known as diabetes. It’s largely a problem of our food supply.

Any idea how much sugar the average American consumed around 1900? The answer is: between 10-15 pounds. Today we are at a deplorable 115 – 125 pounds per average American. This is what the modernization of food processing has done for us. Wow! No wonder we’re in trouble.

What can you do? First of all…make sure you have an idea of your blood sugar level. We offer a complete urinalysis here at our office. Fortunately we did a urinalysis on a young lady yesterday for her initial exam which showed her urine glucose off the charts. I advised them to see a medical doctor right away. (The doctor told her had she not caught this glucose problem he would have met her in the ICU in about a week. Whew! ) Her fasting blood glucose the next morning was 321! Normal is between 70-120 (not fasting!) Had she not been fasting, hers would have been still higher.

In our office, we educate and inform the patient about healthy lifestyle changes that can make a dramatic difference in their lives. We also work with acupuncture, and herb, supplement remedies that help lower insulin resistance and virtually eliminate the need for medication except in severe cases. The beauty of it is that EVERYONE responds. Some will completely get off all medication, others will still need some assistance, but to a much lesser degree. All will understand their condition better and learn how to help themselves become healthy and lead a productive life.

Action Steps
1. Come in for a urinalysis (free for existing patients if you mention this blog through 8/31/2011)
2. Learn your glucose level.
3. Make adjustment to diet, lifestyle.
4. Add in herbs & acupuncture if necessary, like gymnema.
5. Nip symptoms in the bud.
6. Retest urine for glucose levels.
7. Avoid disease.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back to School: Healthy Kids are Smarter Kids

We love your kids. We want to offer some advice on what you can do to give your child the best environment for scholastic success from a health perspective.

5 tips on How to Have Smart Kids

1. Get adequate sleep

This seems to simple, but ignore it and it will come back to get you. The only way to ensure your kids get adequate sleep is to have a schedule. Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. Lack of sleep slows response time, weakens immunity, and interferes with learning.

Text "twc" to "90210" and get $5 off a child-sized/travel Chiroflow pillow that makes sleep a little more productive.

2. Just say no to sugar

The Standard American Diet (abbreviated SAD ironically) is loaded with sugar in many forms. Boxed cereals, processed foods, and prepackaged snacks are loaded with sugar. Sugar pumps us with energy for about 15 – 20 minutes and then drops us into the cellar for hours. When the drop hits, we can’t concentrate, we feel foggier, and it literally makes us dumb. Instead of sugar and carbs like pretzels and chips….go for nuts and protein sources like a healthy cheese.

3. Drink water…nature's ale.

The chemical formula of water is H2O. The "O" stands for oxygen. Oxygen wakes up your brain. Many times we feel tired and we’re actually just dehydrated. Adding 8- 8oz. glasses of water will help immensely. By the way, the water needs to be in its natural form…not in ice tea, soft drinks etc.

4. Get off the couch and move

Yes…exercise gets the blood pumping and moves oxygen around the body and to the brain. An oxygenated brain is a smart brain! Coming home and sitting down at the computer after sitting in class all day is a great way to feel sleepy. Your drowsy teen will be tempted to down a Kit Kat or some Lucky Charms. While this will give a temporary high…it will drop in no time and

5. Get adjusted

First things first, chiropractic is safe for kids. When the top bones in the neck are malpositioned, they put tension on the spinal cord and interfere with nerve expression to the body. One of the benefits of a specific adjustment to the cervical spine is greater mental clarity, mental alertness, and an overall clear feeling. Mental fog, drowsiness, dizziness and many other symptoms accompany a neck that is not in adjustment. Call 417-336-2620 for a free consult for your child...to see if they could benefit.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

DIY Doctoring: The Free, Tell-All Thyroid Test

I recently had a patient come to me with severe chills, hair loss, and a host of other symptoms. After asking several questions and making some observations, I decided the thyroid gland should be considered. She quickly told me that her medical doctor had done a thyroid test within the last month and it was fine. Lab tests were ‘unremarkable’ in regards to TSH, T4, and T3. However; my clinical 'suspicion' screamed, “Check the thyroid!”

Why worry about the thyroid if the blood tests all came back normal? Simply put, the blood test doesn't reveal the whole picture. We can have normal levels of TSH, T3 & T4, but it says nothing about our ability to take it from the blood to the cell and allow it to attach to the appropriate receptor site. Also some chemicals are actually toxins that take the best seats at the orchestra, keeping us from really ‘using’ thyroid hormone. The sneaky thing is, these toxins are are chemically very similar to iodine (critical for the synthesis of thyroid hormone).

So if you’re experiencing hair loss, weight gain, feel cold frequently, have feelings of malaise or depression, poor morning energy, and the list goes on...this message is especially for you! Read on...

Here's a test called the Barnes Thyroid Test you can do at home. All you DIY divas take heed! For next-to-nothing, you can ‘diagnose’ your thyroid as under-functioning, or functioning well but not taking up the hormone to the receptor sites:
1. Buy a glass thermometer. (much preferred over a digital thermometer for our purposes)
2. Put it next to your bed.
3. Measure body temperature immediately upon waking, under your arm (even before going to the bathroom.)
4. Leave thermometer under your arm for 10 minutes and get a reading.
5. Repeat Step #3 for 5 mornings in a row.
6. Add all 5 readings together and divide by 5.
7. Call Dr. Tompkins at 417.336.2620 if your temperature is outside the 98.2-98.8 range.

By the way, the patient mentioned in the first paragraph has no more chills and is experiencing much better health since we’ve addressed this issue using specific supplementation and a thyroid glandular to help her get on top of her thyroid issues. In closing, your natural, God-given thyroid CAN be restored and is much preferred over a synthetic thyroid given in pill form.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Re-trac-ing: Going from Bad to Good and then Bad to Good, for Good!

Thank you Facebook followers for taking a stab at the natural health definition of Retracing (aka Healing Reaction). Here is the "clinical" definition:

"Healing reactions are temporary symptoms that occur only on deep healing regimens in which the body retraces or goes back and heals old infections, wounds, injuries, or other imbalances from the past. Many are related to eliminating toxic substances, healing chronic infections, or metabolic shifts that take place as a body heals and its vitality increases."

Dr. Wayne's interpretation:
Retracing - When you go the wrong way down the wrong road, getting on the right road involves turning around and seeing some of the same scenery you saw going the wrong way. The only difference is, you're going the right way this time. The good news is that when you are healing and headed the right way, it happens quicker.

Detoxification can cause a well-known healing phenomenon that can be unpleasant for a short period. Things like skin eruptions, diarrhea, headaches, even throwing up can occur. The trick is to manage it and remember you're headed the right way. In musculoskeletal correction, the fascia, muscles tendons and ligaments (soft tissue) all hold a memory for trauma. It's not uncommon to feel muscle soreness while the body is clearing lymph backup in the tissues and 'letting go of old incorrect positions.' We chiropractor's can suffer through this phenomenon with patients as he/she can often assume that the chiropractor or other natural health practitioner is making them worse or not helping.

The same scenario occurs in acupunture. Dr. Wayne treated a diabetic losing feeling because of a greatly compromised vascular system. His health was headed the wrong direction and he went from feeling normal, to feeling tingling, pins and needles, and finally numbness.
After an initial round of acupuncture which put a stop to the trend, he went from feeling numbness (neuropathy), to feeling pins and needles to feeling normal again.

"How can pain be good?" you question.
Especially if you weren't in any notable pain, discomfort before you started treatment? Because the body will hold things in a state of status quo and mask over problems with pain feedback mechanisms to not 'rock the boat.' When we heal, it's like peeling an onion taking off one layer at a time. When the body has a chance and it's relieved of one thing...it will handle the next highest priority.

Think about this...you eat junk for years and eating a cheeseburger and fries doesn't bother you. Then you do a detox and turn back to your old ways again and eat junk again. This time you feel gross and disgusting. Why? You didn't feel gross and disgusting before the dtox? Do you notice trash in a garbage dump? No...you're surrounded by it. But a gum wrapper on a manicured golf course is very noticeable and so out of place. The same with your body.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Get your Dose of D: Play in the Sun this Summer

Dr. Wayne and Angie spent the day Tuesday with family out on a rented pontoon boat(Thanks Baxter Boat Dock...love all you Pollards!). Aaah...4 hours out on beautiful Table Rock Lake, just what the Doctor ordered for Dr. Wayne!

Needless to say, we got a bit sun kissed. In other words, we got our dose of D. We didn't put on a whole lot of suncreen because we wanted to get all the benefits of the sun:

Supports cardiovascular health

Promotes optimal cholesterol levels

Enhances your muscle strength

Helps produce optimal blood pressure levels

Helps maintain a healthy immune system

Supports healthy kidney function

Promotes healthy teeth

Helps keep your bones strong and healthy

Please understand -- this list of important benefits represents a tiny fraction of the ways vitamin D keeps you healthy and fit. And, although you can get vitamin D from natural food sources, experts agree on one thing. Natural sunlight is by far the best way to get Vitamin D. (mercola.com)

Many people slather suncreen on before they even step outdoors. Stop!

As you may know, wearing a sunscreen on your uncovered skin blocks your body's production of vitamin D. In fact, sunscreens reduce vitamin D production by as much as 97.5 to 99.9%. And interfering with your body's production of vitamin D by 97.5 to 99.9% may have dire health consequences.

Dr. Mercola's advice on run-of-the-mill sunscreen that is in your beach bag:

Dump it in the trash now.
Yes, that's right. Toss your sunscreen in the trash if it contains any of these questionable chemicals:

Para amino benzoic acid...

Octyl salicyclate...




Padimate O...





Menthyl anthranilate...

Trolamine salicyclate...


Don't worry, we've got your covered. We bought a boat-load of Mercola's natural suncreen to protect you when your sun exposure is extensive this summer. Come on in and grab some and save 15% and you'll save on shipping costs if you were to buy direct from mercola.com.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Gift that Keeps Giving: Hydration

Dr. Wayne would like to reward a few committed patients a special gift as the temperatures start climbing into the 90s. This gift, proper hydration, is going to keeping giving to you:
Increased energy
Weight management
Mental clarity
Help with Hypertension

"Did you say Help with Hypertension?" you perk up.
Many people who are being prescribed blood pressure medication could avoid it if they just starting drinking adequate water. Here’s why. High blood pressure means the pressure against your artery walls is too high either when the heart is pumping (the top #) or when it’s at rest (the bottom #). Drinking water causes the arteries to vasodilate….this means they stretch open to make a bigger carrying vessel. If you have a 1” diameter tube, the pressure against the walls of that tube are less than if you are trying to carry the same amount of fluid (blood) down a tube with only a 1/2” diameter.

Feeling tired & depleted?
“But Dr….I drink lots of cold ice tea…doesn’t that count?” you inquire. No it doesn’t. Actually tea has caffeine in it which depletes your body of water making you require more than if you hadn’t had any tea at all. We call caffeinated beverages, “diuretics” because they make us lose water. Instead of reaching for ice tea, or a coke or even coffee, try grabbing a big drink of water. It will leave you feeling more energized without stressing out your adrenal glands (the gland which helps you adapt to stress) and causing your heart to race.

How much do I need?
The simple equation is ½ your body weight in oz. of water per day. For easy math, let’s say you weigh 200 pounds. Take your weight, divide by 2, and that’s the amount of water you need in oz. In this case it would be 100 oz. Yes that’s a lot and you’re probably not getting nearly enough. If you’re just starting out making friends with water, try 2/3 of this amount. (Take half your body weight, then multiply that # by 0.66). Believe me; your body will thank you.

We've got the equipment you need to stay hydrated. We have 22 oz. glass water bottles for sale. See www.lifefactory.com. Don't face the heat without one!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stomach Acid: It's a Good Thing

Standard Treatment for Acid Reflux: A bad dream

One night I had a dream that terrified me. I woke up in a cold sweat not believing what had just happened. I was greatly relieved that it was just a dream. The dream was about a treatment that would relieve patients’ symptoms, but in so doing would actually worsen the root problem. The good part of my dream was that I was making money ‘hand over fist’ using this wrong treatment AND I was unaware of what was the root cause. Phew…what a nightmare.

Sound far out? It’s really not a nightmare. It happens all the time when people take acid reflux medications like Prilosec, Zantac, Prevacid, Pepsid, Nexium or other proton pump inhibitors.

First of all, let’s get one thing clear. The stomach must be acidic! Unlike the majority of our bodies which requires and prefers a more alkaline environment, our stomach pH needs to be around 2 on a 1-14 scale with 7 being neutral and 14 being the extreme alkaline. As we age and consume the SAD (Standard American Diet), our stomach becomes less acidic. The result is that we never fully digest our food, don’t kill parasites, break down proteins, or ultimately get the GOOD out of our food.

How reflux works

Our esophagus is the path which food takes from our mouths to our stomachs. A valve at the bottom of the esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) must open for food to enter the stomach. It also must close to keep food and stomach acids from washing up into the esophagus. When it doesn’t close properly, stomach acids wash up into the esophagus and create heartburn (otherwise known as acid reflux or GERD -gastro-esophageal reflux disease). This valve is pH driven. It will not close properly unless the stomach is sufficiently acidic. An antacid doesn’t stop contents from washing up into the esophagus, it just makes everything less acidic so it doesn’t hurt!

How would you like a plumber to wipe up your kitchen floor without fixing the leaky pipe? He would proceed to tell you that as long as you repeated this mopping regimen once a day, everything would be fine!

Dr. Wayne’s Treatment Protocol

1. Correcting acidity usually involves taking a product such as Zypan from Standard Process (not just a food enzyme) for a period of time.

2. “Pulling down” a hiatal hernia when the stomach has actually started to invaginate up into the esophagus. (above the LES)

3. Nutritional counseling to avoid foods that lower stomach acidity like simple carbs, processed foods etc.

Do-it-Yourself Remedies

1. If you’re overweight, losing weight helps immensely. (Stay tuned for future posts on weight loss)

2. If you have issues at night after lying down, try elevating the head of your bed several inches.

3. Avoid eating right before you go to bed as this puts more pressure against the valve, forcing it open.

4. Refrain from drinking liquids with meals. We often tend to “wash down” food with liquid instead of properly chewing food. Also, too much liquid with meals dilutes the necessary stomach acids.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Get Cultured: Why you Should Take Probiotics

Constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, celiac disease, you name it. The “ins & outs” of digesting, assimilating, and eliminating are a challenge and are 'a lot to absorb'(no pun intended) for even the best doctor. All kidding aside, these processes must be addressed in order for a patient to truly be healthy with an abundance of vim, vigor and vitality. After all, your digestive tract is the pipeline which nutrients and cellular building blocks must follow in order to promote health in your amazing body. Too often we get a ‘road closed’, a bridge out, or a drainage problem with one of these major conduits!

One of the easiest and most effective ways to greatly improve the entire digestive process is through the use of probiotics. These good bacteria have fancy names like lactobacillus, acidophilus, and bifidum to name just a few, and they have a remarkable role as ‘healthy bacteria’ that promote good flora in our intestines. Yes, our bodies need bacteria. The key is to have more good bacteria than bad. If this balance is upset, we get a condition known as ‘dysbiosis.’ Dysbiosis creates an environment for poor intestinal health and suppressed immunity. If you’ve suffered with the likes of constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, or even canker sores and acid reflux, chances are you would greatly benefit from probiotics.

"But I eat yogurt and get good bacteria from that," you say. Yes but no. While Dr. Wayne prefers whole foods as the primary source for vitamins and minerals, probiotics are a bit of an exception. He suggests not using yogurt or some other dairy source for your probiotic needs since the processes of pasteurization and homogenization alter the chemical makeup of these products and ultimately create a different set of digestive health concerns for patients including food sensitivities. Also the number of cultures of active bacteria are considerably lower in foods like yogurt than in the pill form. Dr. Wayne’s first choice for probiotics is Ortho Molecular Products, “Ortho Biotic.” In addition to lactobacillus and other bacteria traditionally found in probiotics, it also has saccharomyces boulardii which will kill clostridium difficile, a potentially lethal infection. His second choice does not contain s. boulardii but continues to be an effective product called “Probiotic Advantage” formulated through Dr. Williams. Both products are available through Tompkins Wellness Center.

Join us next week for more talk on your digestion!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Politics and Potassium: Do you Know the Facts?

The other day a patient told me an MD found that her potassium level was low and raised her potassium prescription level. I encouraged her to eat a banana every day since it’s often easier to assimilate the minerals and vitamins we require from foods rather than in pill or capsule form. She informed me that potatoes were higher in potassium than bananas were! I humbly told her that I had just learned something new and decided to research the mineral myself. Sure enough…she was right! 1 medium banana has 440 mg of potassium while 1 medium potato has782 mg of potassium! But to my great surprise…a different food altogether has much higher levels of potassium than either potatoes or bananas …and more than both added together! Avocadoes take first place at 1360 mg of potassium. Bring on the guacamole!

I wonder how many other people would have considered bananas as the food of choice for potassium? Or oranges for vitamin C? Or milk for calcium? By the way, 1 medium orange has only 50 mg of vitamin C while raw broccoli yields 132 mg of vitamin C! Need calcium? One cup of skim & 2% milk has only 300 mg of calcium, while a cup of cooked turnip greens has 492 mg. Topping the list is 3 oz. of Gruyere cheese at 860 mg of calcium. (These numbers were taken from tables in Medical Nutrition by Marz, copyright 1999)

Our perception of what’s healthy is so often skewed by trendy advertising campaigns such as, “Drink milk…strong bones,” Even political persuasions that place grains at the bottom of our food pyramid.

Case in point. My wife and I were working out at the gym the other day at lunch and noticed that the corn growers are fighting back to all the negative exposure that has resulted from research on the ill effects of high-fructose corn syrup. They are fighting back with glossy commercials to make it not seem so bad. Take a look:

Here’s the lesson: take time to read blogs like this, sites we are linked to, and reliable sources on nutrition to get the undiluted truth. Ask yourself the question, “who wrote this and what’s their motivation?” Becoming a critical reader and thinker doesn’t mean you’re a critical person, it just means that you don’t swallow the first bait that’s thrown your way.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Twisted Sisters: The Female Hormone Saga

Once upon a time there were two sisters who had to live together and get along. One of the sisters was very bossy and had a domineering nature. Her name was ‘Estrogen’. The other sister was quiet and submissive named ‘Progesterone’. Estrogen tried to run the show and didn’t know her boundaries. Unfortunately, she had all the connections and received a lot of help and support from outside the house. She hooked up with her evil friends like Toxin, Stress, & Pollution. With supervision, Estrogen really shined, but left alone, she made poor choices in choosing her friends which upset the restful order in the home.

Progesterone, on the other hand, was pretty smart, but she needed lots of help. When Estrogen and her evil friends ruled the roost, she tended to shut down and not stand her ground. However; she knew what it took to create an environment that was inviting and safe for new little inhabitants in the house. With some support from her friends, Rest, Nutrition, & Purification, she harmonized marvelously and stood her ground with her often dominant sibling.

Now you’ve probably figured out this house is your body and the story is not a fairy tale from the past. It is present day reality and describes a condition commonly known as ‘estrogen dominance’ when estrogen has the upper hand. Estrogen’s friends are what are known as xenoestrogens or false estrogens. They are toxins, food dyes, preservatives and noxious chemicals. They are very good imitators of actual estrogen and easily latch on to its receptor sites. The result is hormone imbalance and a dominance of estrogen in the body.
Keeping a balance between estrogen and progesterone are critical for fertility and female health in general. Read the following lists and decide which category you fit into:

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance

*Painful, irregular menstrual cycles,
*Polycystic ovarian syndrome
*Fibrocystic Breast Disease
*Hot flashes
*Foggy thinking…just to name a few

Results of Hormone Balance:

*Regular menstrual cycles
*Sufficient energy levels
*Normal sleep patterns
*Smooth transition into menopause
*Absence of unwanted conditions/diseases such as endometriosis, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), fibrocystic breast disease etc.
*Clear-headed thinking

Hopefully your body is in a state of balance. All too often; however, we see a prevalence of estrogen dominance. Read on to see how balance can be restored in your body.

Dr. Wayne’s protocol for restoring hormone balance

1. Get a clear picture of your hormone health. Visit with a Natural Women’s Health Practitioner you trust to order a female hormone panel which is customized to your stage of life. ( See special offer at the end of this article to get started)

2. Commence recommended female hormone balancing program which usually includes:
-Specific herb and supplement protocols
-Detoxification and lifestyle modification
-Possible adjunctive therapies such as chiropractic & acupuncture
-Labs to determine initial baseline and progress

Mother’s Day Special Offer
25% off: Initial Female Health Panel
Good through May 18, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Best Nest: A Loving Note about Fertility

What does a chiropractor/acupuncturist have to do with fertility? Well, quite a bit, actually. Here's just a few things that can happen when you are treated with the natural methods Dr. Wayne employs:

- Improved nerve and blood flow to the reproductive organs with pelvic and pubic bone alignment.

- Nutritional healing with customized supplementation and addressing food sensitivities from reproductive complications, such as Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Fibroid Tumors, etc. (Yes, your body can heal itself from these if given the right help.)

- A clear picture of your personal hormone health with comprehensive labs.

- Balanced hormones and stress reduction with acupuncture.



The medical community advocates that IVF is the best route to go for infertile couples. Just know that you have choices. You can go this route, which has around a 55% success rate with the help of some pretty strong drugs. Or you can be kind to your body and participate in natural treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic and nutritional guidance. Dr. Wayne learned from one of the best - Dr. Angela Hywood, ND. Pay a visit to Dr. Angela Hywood, ND and check out her 89% success rate chart.

Just have to share a testimonial from one of our former employees. She volunteered this. THANKS, Cindy. We share in your joy! *Sniff*

"I met Dr. Wayne 3 years ago when I had an opportunity to work in his office. For 10 years prior to that, my husband and I had been trying to conceive with no success, after 6 miscarriages and turning 41 our chances were getting slimmer to carry a child and decided to stop trying. When I came to work one day having menstrual cramps, Dr. Wayne suggested an adjustment called a Uterine Lift,not only did this relieve my cramps but a month later I became pregnant and was able to carry my son full term. I had previously seen 2 infertility specialist and had a number of expensive test and treatments that were very draining on my body physically and mentally. I truly feel that God sent me to Dr. Wayne and his wife Angie, with his treatment and her nutritional education, my husband and I were able to have our miracle. Ronnie is 2 years old now and the light of our life. Thank you so much Dr Wayne and Angie."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Should you be Gluten-Free?

There is so much hype these days about gluten-free living. There are tons of housewives' gluten-free blogs popping up that have a huge following. Should you be eating this way too to be more healthy?

"So many people have food sensitivities that don't even know it" says Dr. Wayne. "It can make a significant impact on the way you feel if you give your body a break from offending foods."

That's why Tompkins Wellness Center considers it a vital part of a patient's care to address food sensitivies, with wheat being one of the biggest offendors. Some of the other common foods that can be tested:
- corn
- wheat
- sugar
- chocolate
- coffee

No, we're not trying to stamp out all the fun in your life. But, if you don't like some of your symptoms, such as:
- slow digestion
- moodiness
- cloudy thinking
- low energy
- skin irritations
- poor sleep patterns

We support you as you stay away from some of these for at least 30 days to let your body heal. Then we re-check these foods to see if the sensitivity has been eliminated.

Remember, too much of even a good thing can be a bad thing for your body.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Show the Love

Valentine's Day is around the corner. The traditional way to celebrate is to inhale chocolate, get short-lived roses or support the Hallmark dynasty. Well, here's a way to celebrate and show some love to your body and those of your family. Invest in a Blendtec. It's a super-duper-ultra-powerful blender that can chop up a small sapling (or electronics per this website: www.willitblend.com).

Blendtec is having a V-day promotion. From January 31st to February 8th, save $50 off a reconditioned Blendtec with coupon code: CHOCOLATE. Or get free shipping on the following products, only.
Blendtec Total Blender Wildside (3qt) package, all colors
Blendtec Total Blender Combo (2qt & 3qt) package, all colors
Just click on this link to order: http://www.blendtec.com/?affiliateid=268599.

Why do we love this? 5 reasons:
1. A way to get veggies down your little picky eaters.
2. The concoctions can be really yummy. (look for a recipe below)
3. Grinds flour so you can save money on all those expensive Bob's Red Mill alternatives.
4. Make your own nut or rice milk.
5. An easy way to eat raw.

Now, for my V-day gift to you:
Purple Passion
1/2 c. frozen berries
1 banana
1/8 wedge of purple cabbage
1/2 c. spinach
splash of unsweetened apple juice
1 T. flaxseed oil
2-3 drops of Stevia liquid sweetener

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What if you could reset your metabolism?

You can! Now with a comprehensive program facilitated by Dr. Wayne and the team at Tompkins Wellness Center you can reset your metabolism, decrease inflammation and boost your immune system. And major weight loss is the side effect. Now we're talking!

Here's what we will do to ensure your success:
- Homeopathic hCG (a safe formula by a functional medicine Dr. in St. Louis
- Provide dietary guidelines in an easy-to-use booklet
- Administer acupuncture according to Dr. Oz's recommendations:
- Hold your hand during and AFTER the program to prevent you from going back to old habits.

Here's what you will do to ensure your success:
- Come to a workshop on January 13th at the YMCA to get your tools and launch your success
- Follow the guidelines in the booklet
- Fall in love with some form of exercise *
- Get acupuncture
- Purge your pantry and follow grocery guidelines provided by Tompkins Wellness Center
- Invite a friend to join you in this and to whom you will be accountable

* The Ozark Family YMCA is starting a weight loss challenge on January 11th with an 8 week membership for only $45 - with prizes for the biggest loser! Call 337.9622 to sign up.