Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Note from the Life Coach

Some have heard us say that we see people in 4D.  That means we treat the structural, chemical, electrical AND emotional aspects of your health.  Dr. Wayne firmly believes that the emotional aspect of your being can affect every other dimension.  If you are stressed, it can pull your spine out of alignment.  If you have emotional pain  that has not been dealt with healthily it can block your meridians.  On the other hand, if you have a positive outlook and choose to be well, you will have more energy...and the scenarios continue.

So on that note, let us introduce how a life coach can help you with your overall health picture.  A life coach is like an advocate for your goals.  He/She holds you accountable, maps out a plan, helps you bust through barriers that are keeping you. from success, and can refocus you when you lose your way .  Tompkins Wellness Center has its very own Life Coach - Angela Tompkins was trained at the Coaches Training Institute and had her own coaching practice in Texas.

For old times' sake, we will post one of Angela's articles that was printed in a Dallas-area regional magazine a few years back.  This might be a good read for you around the busy holiday season:

An Unplanned Day

Baseball games, dance lessons, a 50-hour work week, PTA meetings, night classes and helping your daughter sell her girl scout cookies…Does this sound like you?  Are you a victim of SCD (schedule complexity disorder)?  I can help.  Read on…

First of all, SSTTOOOPPPPPP!  Breathe a few deep breaths and take a good look at your life…maybe it is captured on a calendar.  What things on your schedule are absolutely necessary?  Which are extra-curricular?  Who or what is controlling your precious time?  Are they worth it?  Will these consuming activities give you the nuggets of fulfillment and satisfaction that money can’t buy? 

Next, think about the last time you and your loved ones sat around and did absolutely nothing.  How long has it been that you went outside at night and stood in awe of the stars?  When did you sit around and enjoy a home-cooked meal where you actually looked at each other instead of the TV?  (Oh and holiday feasts don’t count!)  What was the last day that your calendar was blank and you did not plan a single thing for that day?  Been awhile?  It’s about time…

Now, it’s time to pick up your planner, your calendar, what have you, and plan an unplanned day.  That’s right…wipe one day out of the month absolutely clean.  Highlight the box that surrounds that day on your monthly calendar as if you’re guarding it with your life…because you are!

Finally, it’s time to beef up your defenses so that that precious day that you’ve reserved stays blank.  Anticipate what forces could threaten the simplicity of an unplanned day?  What is the plan of action if the enemy – duty or responsibility – attacks during a weak moment?  How are you going to keep that day open for the spontaneous possibilities that only an unplanned day can hold? 

I beg you, don’t fall into the planning trap and pollute that day with pre-conceived activities.  The rule is this…on that day, you must only do what you want to do at that moment.  No obligations allowed.  Those can wait until another day…