Thursday, February 10, 2011

Should you be Gluten-Free?

There is so much hype these days about gluten-free living. There are tons of housewives' gluten-free blogs popping up that have a huge following. Should you be eating this way too to be more healthy?

"So many people have food sensitivities that don't even know it" says Dr. Wayne. "It can make a significant impact on the way you feel if you give your body a break from offending foods."

That's why Tompkins Wellness Center considers it a vital part of a patient's care to address food sensitivies, with wheat being one of the biggest offendors. Some of the other common foods that can be tested:
- corn
- wheat
- sugar
- chocolate
- coffee

No, we're not trying to stamp out all the fun in your life. But, if you don't like some of your symptoms, such as:
- slow digestion
- moodiness
- cloudy thinking
- low energy
- skin irritations
- poor sleep patterns

We support you as you stay away from some of these for at least 30 days to let your body heal. Then we re-check these foods to see if the sensitivity has been eliminated.

Remember, too much of even a good thing can be a bad thing for your body.