Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Best Nest: A Loving Note about Fertility

What does a chiropractor/acupuncturist have to do with fertility? Well, quite a bit, actually. Here's just a few things that can happen when you are treated with the natural methods Dr. Wayne employs:

- Improved nerve and blood flow to the reproductive organs with pelvic and pubic bone alignment.

- Nutritional healing with customized supplementation and addressing food sensitivities from reproductive complications, such as Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Fibroid Tumors, etc. (Yes, your body can heal itself from these if given the right help.)

- A clear picture of your personal hormone health with comprehensive labs.

- Balanced hormones and stress reduction with acupuncture.

The medical community advocates that IVF is the best route to go for infertile couples. Just know that you have choices. You can go this route, which has around a 55% success rate with the help of some pretty strong drugs. Or you can be kind to your body and participate in natural treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic and nutritional guidance. Dr. Wayne learned from one of the best - Dr. Angela Hywood, ND. Pay a visit to Dr. Angela Hywood, ND and check out her 89% success rate chart.

Just have to share a testimonial from one of our former employees. She volunteered this. THANKS, Cindy. We share in your joy! *Sniff*

"I met Dr. Wayne 3 years ago when I had an opportunity to work in his office. For 10 years prior to that, my husband and I had been trying to conceive with no success, after 6 miscarriages and turning 41 our chances were getting slimmer to carry a child and decided to stop trying. When I came to work one day having menstrual cramps, Dr. Wayne suggested an adjustment called a Uterine Lift,not only did this relieve my cramps but a month later I became pregnant and was able to carry my son full term. I had previously seen 2 infertility specialist and had a number of expensive test and treatments that were very draining on my body physically and mentally. I truly feel that God sent me to Dr. Wayne and his wife Angie, with his treatment and her nutritional education, my husband and I were able to have our miracle. Ronnie is 2 years old now and the light of our life. Thank you so much Dr Wayne and Angie."