Monday, June 13, 2011

The Gift that Keeps Giving: Hydration

Dr. Wayne would like to reward a few committed patients a special gift as the temperatures start climbing into the 90s. This gift, proper hydration, is going to keeping giving to you:
Increased energy
Weight management
Mental clarity
Help with Hypertension

"Did you say Help with Hypertension?" you perk up.
Many people who are being prescribed blood pressure medication could avoid it if they just starting drinking adequate water. Here’s why. High blood pressure means the pressure against your artery walls is too high either when the heart is pumping (the top #) or when it’s at rest (the bottom #). Drinking water causes the arteries to vasodilate….this means they stretch open to make a bigger carrying vessel. If you have a 1” diameter tube, the pressure against the walls of that tube are less than if you are trying to carry the same amount of fluid (blood) down a tube with only a 1/2” diameter.

Feeling tired & depleted?
“But Dr….I drink lots of cold ice tea…doesn’t that count?” you inquire. No it doesn’t. Actually tea has caffeine in it which depletes your body of water making you require more than if you hadn’t had any tea at all. We call caffeinated beverages, “diuretics” because they make us lose water. Instead of reaching for ice tea, or a coke or even coffee, try grabbing a big drink of water. It will leave you feeling more energized without stressing out your adrenal glands (the gland which helps you adapt to stress) and causing your heart to race.

How much do I need?
The simple equation is ½ your body weight in oz. of water per day. For easy math, let’s say you weigh 200 pounds. Take your weight, divide by 2, and that’s the amount of water you need in oz. In this case it would be 100 oz. Yes that’s a lot and you’re probably not getting nearly enough. If you’re just starting out making friends with water, try 2/3 of this amount. (Take half your body weight, then multiply that # by 0.66). Believe me; your body will thank you.

We've got the equipment you need to stay hydrated. We have 22 oz. glass water bottles for sale. See Don't face the heat without one!

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