Tuesday, December 8, 2009

IMMUNITY: A condition of being able to resist a particular disease...

Living in fear of catching a bug? Just want to type out some tools for you to boost your body's immunity during this cold and scary flu season. You know, your body does not HAVE to succomb to every bug you encounter. Here are some tools that could keep you from another round of antibiotics:
1. Drink enough water...(see Hydration post)
2. Wash hands regularly and use a saline rinse for your nose
3. Eat an apple/day.
4. Reduce sugar...it weakens your immune system
5. Get your regular chiropractic adjustment - if your nervous system is working optimally, your body can better fight bugs and viruses.
6. Get a massage - studies link human touch through massage increase serotonin levels and increases natural killer cells.
7. Take probiotics. Healthy digestion = healthy immune system.
8. Take a multi-vitamin. We cannot possibly get all minerals and vitamins in the food we eat that is grown in who-knows-where, and laden with chemicals.
9. Get enough sleep. Wind down those projects/TV watching before hitting the hay and pop some magnesium - it's a miracle mineral for sleep.
10. Move your body. The weather outside is frightful, we know, but figure out a way to pump your blood (think "out with the old, in with the new") in a way that fits your interests/lifestyle.


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