Monday, March 12, 2012

Adrenal Health Talk Recap from Prairie Market

In case you weren't in the audience at Prairie Market last week, here are the notes that were handed out.  There was a great crowd...somewhere between 20 and 25 listening ears.  We are so tickled for this winning alliance with Prairie Market in Harrison, AR. 

Adrenal Fatigue: An Epidemic in our Stressed-Out World

So what’s the big deal about the adrenal gland?
The adrenal gland helps you respond to stress & or changes in your environment

  • When this gland is fatigued due to ongoing stressors and pressures,
it leads to:
    1. High blood pressure
    2. Digestive disturbances
(Acid reflux, IBS, gas & bloating)
    1. Weight gain – especially around the midsection
    2. Joint pain
    3. Disrupted sleep
    4. Diminished sex drive and hormonal imbalance

  • Sleep wake cycle disruption:
- Cortisol must drop, melatonin must go up.  Many people have inverted day & night      chemistry
- Restoring the adrenal gland is essential to helping you be awake and alert during the day and unconscious at night.

  • Dr. Wayne’s adrenal health recommendations: clinical and do-it-yourself remedies:

1. Adrenal Supplement - Prairie Market has a good one.  Need to watch out for  adrenal supplements that have licorice if hypertension is a concern.

2. Acupuncture - Balance the meridians to right your world.

3. Chiropractic - Have sacrum and cervicals adjusted regularly.

4. Settle down for sleep. Lights Out, TV off, Shhhhhh!

5. Create peace for yourself - decide, forgive, etc.

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