Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Health Department's "Whoops" About Local Whooping Cough Outbreak

An interesting message came on the radio yesterday from the Taney County Department of Public Health.  I perked up my ears because it was announced that there were 4 cases of whooping cough (pertussis) in our local county over the last month.  The public health spokesman said that was a bit of a red flag.  (agreed)  Then she said the greatest prevention of whooping cough was vaccination…and that two of the cases were children who had not been vaccinated.  It’s what she didn’t say that got my attention.  If two children were not vaccinated, then implied in that statement is that two children were vaccinated…and they still got whooping cough.  I’m not writing this to stir up the vaccination controversy.  Vaccination is a very personal decision and not an uncomplicated one.  My point is this:  based on this little example…the vital lesson is that we all keep our immune system functioning at its optimum in order to keep threatening illnesses like this at bay.  

So…as a good parent you ask "what do we do instead?" Here is what Dr. Wayne recommends:
 1. lets keep our children away from sugar & processed foods.  We can promote plenty of fresh fruits, veggies and good quality lean meat instead.  (Believe me…based on experience they really do get a taste for this).
  2.lets make sure our children are getting regular chiropractic adjustments to ensure the brain is communicating with the body without any interference 
 3. we can  restore balance by stimulating acupuncture alarm points  (can be done by hand instead of needles on little people).

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