Week-old Molly Jo getting adjusted by her Mommy Mandy's chiropractor in TX |
Last month, we have a friend in Texas who had a baby (#5!!) and posted on her Facebook status a week post-delivery that she and her hubby got their new baby girl adjusted by their chiropractor. I was very amused with the ensuing lively discussion among her friends and blog followers in response to this. It was amazing the lack of knowledge that surrounds this topic. But, I know that this lack of knowledge is the fault of our profession for not properly educating, not to mention big pharma and media for ahem, withholding valuable information about the huge benefits of early chiropractic adjustments. It spurred me to "interview" Dr. Wayne with some of the FAQs that I'm sure many responsible parents have:
Q: Why adjust a new baby?
A: Delivery is often the first trauma a new baby suffers. The cervical spine often gets malpositioned, especially during a rushed, hurried birthing process.
Q: What health benefits result from an infant adjustment?
A: Without an adjustment following delivery, a baby's nerve flow in his/her cervical spine gets compromised from the brain stem to the rest of the body. Results from correcting this malposition are often very profound. Some of the health challenges that can be avoided are ear infections, digestive problems like constipation and reflux and breathing problems like asthma and allergies.
Q: How soon can the benefits be seen?
A: Immediately. Babies don't have muscle calcifications, spurring and a lot of previous trauma like an adult.
Q: Is it safe?
A: Well, we will answer this by passing on some numbers. Malpractice insurance companies do their homework and keep track of damages and lawsuits from practitioners treating infants and kiddos. Dr. Wayne's malpractice insurance premium is under $1,000 per calendar year. Pediatricians pay on average $12,500 per year (modernmedicine.com) Obstetricians and gynecologists fork over premium rates per calendar year ranging from $85,000 to as much as $200,000, depending on the state.
Have further questions? Please ask: drwaynedc@gmail.com. We have nothing to hide.